This weekend – 4-7th October 2013 – women in docs’ are at Wintermoon in October. A fantastic camping festival in the rainforest 50kms north of Mackay in QLD, Australia.
We will have the full band there folk-rocking the stages – featuring Silas Palmer on violin and keys, and Geoff Green on drums.
Other acts include: Lily & King, Women in Docs, John Schumann & the Vagabond Crew (formerly Redgum), Mustered Courage, Hugh McDonald, Damian Howard, Rebecca Wright and Donald McKay, Hallelujah Baby and Loose Cannons.
There will be the usual large variety of colourful market stalls and other entertainment for all ages, including such exciting acts as the Woodenbong Fire Tribe.
Wintermoon in October provides a chance to unwind and relax in a beautiful bush setting, renew old ties, meet new friends, or just settle back on a hay bale and enjoy a program of some of the best live music Australia has to offer.
The festival runs from 4th – 7th October.
We look forward to seeing you there!