Thanks to everyone who contributed to our latest video for ‘Wagon Wheel’. Oh you make us laugh! What a fantastic and fun film clip we have – thanks to YOU!
The official website for the highly acclaimed Australian acoustic folk pop duo
Thanks to everyone who contributed to our latest video for ‘Wagon Wheel’. Oh you make us laugh! What a fantastic and fun film clip we have – thanks to YOU!
We’re heading to the hills – the Dandenongs that is – to one of the best folk clubs in Victoria.
Date: Fri 1 Aug, 7.30pm
Venue: Selby Folk Club,
Selby Community House, Selby, VIC
Tickets: $10/8 at door.
The Selby Folk Club meets on the 1st Friday of every month, at the Selby Community House, Minak Reserve, Charles Street, Selby. Victoria. Australia. (Melway 75 K11) Doors open 7.30pm, Music starts 8.00pm. Adults $10, Con.$8.
Come and enjoy live acoustic music in a smoke free environment. Floor Spot Acts are always welcome. Time is made at the beginning of every night for Spot Acts. You must be early to book a spot.